Fast and secure payment system guaranteed

Pryme provides self-service channels that represent significant advancements in existing card issuance technology available in the industry.

Just-in-time Card Issuance

Pryme is a revolutionary in-branch and Self-service card issuance platform with integrated card request processing workflow automation. Our issuance module takes card issuance to a whole new level by enabling the entire spectrum of card production and personalization activities to be automated and occur just-in-time upon customers request at the Bank branches. The platform also provides options for cards to be requested remotely, via mobile or Internet banking, and delivered at the customres preferred location and time of convenience.

  • Card PAN Generation
  • Card upload and setup on CMS
  • Magnetic stripe data preparation
  • Chip data preparation
  • EMV Chip and magnetic stripe encoding
  • Card printing
  • Automated card linking, PIN selection, and Activation
  • Instant Replacement Policies
  • Secure card delivery via courierSecure card delivery via courier
  • Card Stock Management
Qore Just in time Card Issuance
Pryme Instant Card Vending Machine

Our Card Vending Machines (CVMs)

Pryme Card Vending Machine is a self-service channel that represents an advancement in existing card issuance technology available in the industry. This channel centres the experience of the last-mile customers of the bank and ensures that card issuance service is available to bank customers 24/7 all year round. This decongests the banking halls of our partners while reducing waiting time.

  • Customer biometric authentication
  • Card PAN generation
  • Card upload and setup on CMS
  • Magnetic stripe data preparation
  • Chip data preparation
  • EMV Chip and magnetic stripe encoding
  • Card printing
  • Automated card linking, PIN selection, and Activation
  • Card Stock Management

Cloud-based and secure card management and issuance service

We engage based on global best practices that allow us to serve you in the best way possible.

Fully Digitalized Operations

Banks can fully digitalize and automate the card issuance operation without interference from a banking officer.

Flexible modern-day digitalized banking service.

This is unusually powerful for last-mile customer as they are no longer bound by the opening/closing hours of the bank to get their .

Enhanced Customer Experience

We improve last mile customer experience significantly. Popular feedback is characterised by the sense of fulfilment that comes with not queueing up in a bankking hall to recieve cards.

Cost Saving

Significant cost savings from inventory cost of cards, traditional cost of card issuance and infrastructure required fore scale.

Tomorrow is automated

Let’s discuss how our products can give your business the boost it needs.